Psychotherapy and Counselling

For many reasons people can find themselves in situations where they are having difficulty coping. These situations can be related to a brief hurdle in life that a person is having difficulty overcoming, or gaining control of, or they might be barriers that have existed throughout the person’s life. At such times, the journey can be extremely difficult but made much easier by having a supportive person who is neutral, non-judgmental, confidential, empathic, educated, and knowledgeable.

Dave Wells bases his counselling techniques on the models of ‘Holistic’ or ‘Integrated’ Therapy. This therapy utilises components of a number of different counselling models, dependent on the person’s individual needs and preferences. The components of ‘Psycho-analysis (Historical), ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT – Thoughts and Behaviours)), Narrative Therapy (Centers people as experts in their own lives), and a Humanist approach, are all used to focus on the goals, growth and potential of each individual.

Counselling and Psychotherapy form an important part of Psychological Therapies, which fall under three main categories

Behavioural Therapies:

These focus on cognitions and behaviours and are based on the way people think (cognitive) and/or behave. These therapies recognise that it is possible to change, or recondition our thoughts or behaviours to overcome specific problems.

Humanistic Therapies

These focus on self-development, growth and responsibility and seek to help individuals recognise their strengths, creativity, and choices.  Humanistic Therapies are a combination of approaches.

Psychoanalytical and Psycho-dynamic Therapies:

These focus on the unconscious relationship patterns; thoughts and perceptions that have evolved from childhood; and how these affect current behaviour and thoughts.

Counselling and Psychotherapy Approaches

Adlerian Therapy

This type of therapy focuses on creating a therapeutic relationship that is co-operative, encouraging, and practical. Adlerian counsellors help clients explore their unique ’lifestyle’ and ’private logic’ (their core beliefs about self, others, and the world) to increase understanding of and challenge habitual patterns of behaviour and hidden goals. It is an educative process of dialogue, insight, encouragement, re-orientation, and enablement.

Brief Therapy

Brief therapy concentrates on the cognitive behavioural approach with a small, planned number of sessions, and possibly a single follow-up session after some time has elapsed. This therapy is primarily for people experiencing a phase of difficulty.

Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT)

This therapy combines cognitive therapy and exploratory psychotherapy and encourages clients to draw on their own resources to develop the skills to change destructive patterns of behaviour. Negative ways of thinking are explored, and treatment is structured and directive.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)  

This popular model of therapy combines cognitive and behavioural techniques. Clients are taught ways to change thoughts and expectations, and relaxation techniques may be used.

Dave Wells offers approaches based on integrative and eclectic therapy approaches

Integrative therapy  

- a blend of specific techniques of Counselling.

Eclectic therapy  

- elements of several different therapeutic models and combines them.