Sexology (Sexual Therapy)
Dave Wells is a qualified Clinical Sexologist. Clinical sexologists hold advanced degrees (Masters) and are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual concerns and dysfunctions. It is a highly trained discipline that combines the resources of physiology, psychology, religion, anthropology (study of humans and human behaviour and societies in the past and present), philosophy, biology, medicine, and sociology, with clinical sexology in providing sex therapy and counselling to persons with sexual problems.
Although Dave Wells is trained in ‘Sexual Therapy’ (Sexology) for all genders, the service provided by Dave Wells is specifically targeted to males and people who are diverse-gendered. Women are more than welcome to also access ‘Dave Wells sexual therapy’ services, if their presenting issue/s is one that can be experienced by an individual regardless of their gender. For other areas of sexual health specific to women where another professional may be more appropriate, support with referrals can be provided.
Sexual therapy/Sexology is disproportionately made up of female service providers, which results in narrowing the options for males who are more comfortable with a male service provider. In our society, many women are comfortable to talk to each other, as well as access health services, whereas men are more likely to hide and try to personally deal with any health matters and be less likely to access health services.
As for people who identify with a diverse gender, accessing health services can be a threatening experience, and service providers who specialise in the health areas of diverse gendered people, are very limited. Many of the professional experiences of Dave Wells has been aimed at males and diverse gendered people experiencing sexual, relationship and societal/lifestyle-based difficulties.
Dave welcomes women to access his sexual therapy services if the person has a preference for a male sexual therapist, however if required, a referral can be provided to a highly qualified female sexologist.
Dave Wells has the best interests of all people in mind, regardless of their diversities, and he supports clients from a holistic (whole person) perspective, rather than looking only at the presenting issue.
What to keep in mind when accessing a professional for sexual and gender-related therapy:
The first point of contact for anybody who is concerned about their Sexual health is their own GP. Many people who utilise a Clinical Sexologist are referred to us by their GP or Mental Health Specialists (e.g., Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Counsellors). Many sexology services are classed as ‘secondary care’ which means people have been referred to us from primary care (that is the first point of contact you have with medical services when you have a health problem), although a referral from a primary caregiver to see a sexologist is not necessary.
It is essential for all people who are acquiring the services of a Sexologist or Sexual Therapist to ensure that the professional accessed holds the appropriate qualifications of a Master of Health Sciences in Sexual Therapies, or similar, which is only currently available at two Australian universities; The University of Sydney, and Curtin University in Perth. It is your right to ensure that you are receiving the highest standard (Frontline) of support.
When people experience sexual and gender related difficulties, many automatically consider seeing a psychologist or counsellor. It is important to remember that unless the professional has engaged in further training, or has gained from professional experience, the training to become a psychologist, or a counsellor, includes very little coverage of many of the topics covered by the area of Sexology.
Sexologists study a combination of Psychology and Medicine to support people who experience sexual, relationship, and gender difficulties and where mental health and its treatments impact a person’s healthy sexual-being, then both professionals can collaborate in the aim of reaching the best outcomes for the participant.
Dave Wells promises to always refer you to the front-line professional to assist you with your presenting problems. If the presenting issue/s is outside of the scope of sexology or psychotherapy, this may mean that another professional is more suited to your needs, Dave Wells always takes a ‘client centered approach’ to any decision making, and will always view your recovery as paramount.
There are also ‘peak bodies’ such as the ‘Society of Australian Sexologists’ (SAS) ( and ASSERT NSW (: Although these two bodies promote qualified sexologists, it is not essential for qualified sexologists are registered.
Male and diverse gender sexual therapy
A Clinical Sexologist is trained to specialise and provide confidential and respectful support to clients with the aim of addressing sexual, relationship, and developmental concerns so that people can reach their full potential.
Although Dave Wells is trained in ‘Sexual Therapy ’(Sexology) for all genders, the service he provides is specifically targeted to males, and for diverse gendered people. Females are welcome to access ‘Dave Wells sexual therapy’ services if they would prefer a male therapist. The discipline of Sexual Therapy/Sexology is disproportionately made up of female service providers. This disproportion results in a narrowing of options for males who, in our society, are more comfortable with a male service provider. Many women are comfortable to talk to each other, as well as access health services, whereas men are more likely to bury their concerns and try to personally deal with any health matters and so be less likely to access health services.
As for people who identify with a diverse gender, accessing health services can be a threatening experience, and the number of service providers who specialise in the health areas of diverse gendered people is very limited. Dave Wells, however, has worked extensively with males and diverse gendered people experiencing sexual and relationship difficulties.
Dave welcomes women to access his Sexual Therapy services if they have a preference for a male sexual therapist, and if required, he has the privilege of collaborating with several excellent female sexologists, if the female client requires referral.
Dave Wells has the best interests of all people in mind regardless of gender-identity and supports clients from a holistic (whole person) perspective, rather than looking only at the presenting issue.
ASSERT NSW (Australian Society Of Sex Educators Researchers and Therapists NSW
ASSERT NSW is a multi-disciplinary not-for-profit organisation that include counsellors, psychologists, doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, social workers and other health care professionals involved in the field of human relations, especially sexology.
As a professional member of ASSERT, I am dedicated to the promotion of professional development and providing opportunities for people working in the field of human sexuality.
Founded in 1977, ASSERT NSW is a forum for the exchange of ideas, and for the sharing of education, and research findings.
The ASSERT philosophy embraces the WAS Millennium Declaration of Sexual Rights that states that sexual rights are fundamental and universal rights (see below).
World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)
Dave Wells Sexual Therapy, Counselling and Training also abides by the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) Declaration of Sexual Rights. This declaration views sexual rights as being fundamental and universal human rights:

- The right to sexual freedom
- The right to sexual autonomy, sexual integrity, and safety of the sexual body
- The right to sexual equity
- The right to sexual pleasure
- The right to emotional sexual expression
- The right to sexually associate freely
- The right to make free and responsible reproductive choices
- The right to sexual information based upon scientific inquiry
- The right to comprehensive sexuality education
- The right to sexual health care.
This holistic approach is augmented by consensual referral to appropriate health-care services and providers to address specialised areas that fall outside the skills of a sexologist.